Coastal Engineering

Coastal Engineering
RACE Coastal Engineers are effective and creative in applying knowledge of mathematics and science to real-world solutions for analyzing the challenging shoreline environment due in part to climate change. They have a strong theoretical background in coastal processes coupled with practical experience in wave dynamics, sediment transport, hydraulics, and scour assessment.
RACE is at the forefront of successfully utilizing numerical modeling techniques to analyze how bodies of water and shoreline features are impacted under various environmental conditions. Their data collection and analysis of past, present and future conditions supports our structural and geotechnical engineers every day. The modeling applications integrate water levels, wind, wave and current forces for the analysis of risk and to widen our understanding of how environmental conditions may interact with and impact structures. RACE’s coastal engineering expertise allows for the optimization of the design of waterfront structures, flood and erosion protection and beaches.
Wave Transformation Modeling
Storm Surge and Inundation Modeling
Tidal Flushing and Coastal Circulation Modeling
Wind and Wave Loading Studies
Coastal Flood Hazard Assessment and Mapping
Applications for FEMA Flood Map Revisions
Littoral Drift and Sediment Transport Modeling
Beach Erosion/Accretion
Shoreline Change Analysis
Shoreline Stabilization and Flood Mitigation Structures
Breakwater & Jetty Design
Beach Nourishment and Dune Restoration
Sand Bypassing at Tidal Inlets
Living Shorelines
Sea Level Rise and Climate Change Evaluation and Adaptation
Coastal Resiliency Planning