We believe that what sets RACE apart from other waterfront consulting firms is our commitment to meeting our client’s goals and our consistent performance in all project phases, from planning, through permitting, design, and construction with our dedicated, in-house staff. RACE operates in a team environment and we consider the client part of that team.
We believe that what sets RACE apart from other waterfront consulting firms is our commitment to meeting our client’s goals and our consistent performance in all project phases, from planning, through permitting, design, and construction with our dedicated, in-house staff. RACE operates in a team environment and we consider the client part of that team.

Our Commercial expertise includes:
Facility Assessments
FEMA Flood Zone Compliance
Coastal Modeling & Flood Risk Assessment
Regulatory Permitting
Shoreline Flood & Erosion Control
Public Access Structures
Peer Review
Structural Engineering
Construction Administration
Resiliency Planning & Design
Special Inspections

Waterfront office parks, medical facilities, retail outlets and other commercial enterprises are at an elevated risk for flooding, erosion and other storm-related events – serious impacts that can disrupt operations and do irrevocable damage to the bottom line. Equipped with specialized expertise in coastal flood control and mitigation measures, RACE can help ensure that commercial waterfront properties are fully protected, offering structural repairs and replacement, shoreline stabilization, dredging and comprehensive continuity planning.
Protecting the Interests of Business Owners and the Continuity of Shoreline Facilities
Commercial waterfront properties are subject to complex regulations. RACE Coastal Engineering provides an unparalleled combination of coastal, structural, and geotechnical expertise. Through our singular focus on waterfront projects, RACE Coastal Engineering is committed to delivering successful, innovative and resilient engineering solutions with our full-range of professional services.
For complete information about our Commercial Services, contact us at 203-377-0663.

SPOTLIGHT: Harbor Plaza Bulkhead & Public Access Boardwalk – Stamford, CT
RACE was retained by HPHV Direct, LLC, after the successful design of a new 1,260 feet long public access boardwalk structure in a Stamford, CT waterfront office complex. Located adjacent to this office complex is a private marina where approximately 250 feet of timber bulkhead was approaching imminent failure. RACE complied with regulatory requirements that limited repairs to the existing footprint and obtained the necessary approvals. The repair schema of the failing bulkhead included oversheeting with steel sheetpiles and took into account the physical constraints of being located beside a parking garage with an outer staircase. The imposing structures were carefully straddled by construction equipment while many deadman were anchored into the first floor of the garage located 40 feet away from the bulkhead. The complex’s public access boardwalk system was able to continue atop the new bulkhead.
Professional Services Provided:
Inspection of existing boardwalk structural components
Preparation of required State and Federal permit applications for the proposed boardwalk replacement
Solicitation of competitive bids and preparation of draft construction contract for review by the Owner’s counsel
Engineering Services During Construction