Commercial Services
Harbor Plaza
Office Complex Bulkhead Replacement, Stamford, CT
Professional Services Provided:
Inspection of existing boardwalk structural components
Preparation of required State and Federal permit applications for the proposed boardwalk replacement
Solicitation of competitive bids and preparation of draft construction contract for review by the Owner’s counsel
Engineering Services During Construction

Commercial Properties
RACE was retained by HPHV Direct, LLC, after the successful design of a new 1,260 feet long public access boardwalk structure in a Stamford, CT waterfront office complex. Located adjacent to this office complex is a private marina where approximately 250 feet of timber bulkhead was approaching imminent failure. RACE complied with regulatory requirements that limited repairs to the existing footprint and obtained the necessary approvals. The repair schema of the failing bulkhead included oversheeting with steel sheetpiles and took into account the physical constraints of being located beside a parking garage with an outer staircase. The imposing structures were carefully straddled by construction equipment while many deadman were anchored into the first floor of the garage located 40 feet away from the bulkhead. The complex’s public access boardwalk system was able to continue atop the new bulkhead.
Stamford, CT
HPHV Direct, LLC