Town of Fairfield
South Benson Channel Dredging & Beach Nourishment ~ Fairfield, CT
Professional Services Provided:
Hydrographic Survey
Sediment Sampling and Analysis
Dredge Volume Computations
State and Federal Permitting
Beneficial Reuse Alternatives Analysis
Dredging and Beach Nourishment Design, Plans and Specifications
Bid Assistance
Construction Administration Services

Town of Fairfield
RACE Coastal Engineering was contracted by the Town of Fairfield to perform site investigations, prepare design plans, specifications and necessary permit applications for the maintenance dredging of the South Benson Marina and entrance channel. RACE’s scope of services included hydrographic survey and volume computations as well as sediment sample collection and characterization. RACE coordinated with the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for sediment sampling and analysis plan requirements and reviewed alternatives for beneficial reuse of approximately 31,900 in lieu of offshore disposal. RACE received a suitability determination from the USACE to allow the dredged material to be utilized for beach nourishment of the adjacent Town Beach at Jennings. RACE prepared the necessary permit applications, prepared construction drawings for the dredging and beach nourishment fill and assisted the Town throughout the bid process and construction administration phases.
The American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) awarded this project an America’s 2020 Best Restored Beach Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers recognized this project with a 2020 Achievement in Civil Engineering (ACE) award.
Fairfield, CT
Town of Fairfield