Marinas & Yacht Club Services
Safe Harbor Marina -
Allen Harbor
Dredging, Bulkhead & Floating Dock Configuration - North Kingston, RI
Professional Services Provided:
Site Investigation
Geotechnical Investigation
Report of Findings and Recommendations
Conceptual Layout Alternatives
Regulatory Permitting
Opinion of Probable Costs
Preliminary Design Drawing

Safe Harbor Marina - Allen Harbor
Safe Harbor Marina – Allen Harbor contracted RACE to permit and design a lift well for a new 35,000 pound forklift. In order to install the lift well, dredging, shoreline modification, and a reconfiguration of the floating docks was needed. RACE developed concepts for the lift well and associated modifications to the existing shoreline structures. During the process, RACE completed a preliminary design for the bulkhead, cut/fill surface modeling for the shoreline improvements and reconfiguration of the floating docks.
RACE prepared and coordinate with Rhode Island’s Coastal Resource Management Council (CRMC) to identify the parameters and regulatory issues associated with the project. Prior to preparing and submitting the Assent Application, RACE orchestrated necessary soil sampling and testing for material that was required to be removed. Upon receipt of the test results, the Application was submitted to CRMC for review.
RACE is in the process of completing Construction Drawings which will be sent out for bid solicitation.
North Kingston, RI
Safe Harbor Marina - Allen Harbor