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Pleasure Beach Bridge Demolition, Bridgeport, CT

RACE Coastal Pleasure Beach Bridge

The Pleasure Beach Bridge, which has been out service since 1996, is being removed from Bridgeport Harbor.

Built in 1927, the Pleasure Beach Bridge connected the City of Bridgeport to the once active amusement park and residential community on Pleasure Beach Island.


The bridge and landing piers are located between a federal channel which provides access to active marinas and commercial energy facilities within Bridgeport Harbor. In June 1996 the wooden swing bridge was engulfed by flames and has since sat dormant and steadily rotting. In addition to the out-of-service bridge deteriorating, it has been struck numerous times by oil barges, both damaging the vessels and causing bridge debris to fall into the federal channel.


As funding becomes available, the City of Bridgeport has been cleaning up derelict structures and its waterfront in general. Prior to demolition of the bridge and landing structures, RACE facilitated considerable coordination amongst numerous federal, state and local agencies. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP), US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and the US Coast Guard (USCG) permitted the demolition with terms and restrictions. The project also is responsible for complying with City of Bridgeport ordinances, such as the terms and conditions defined in the “Threatened and Endangered Species Management Plan for Pleasure Beach Park.”


The landing pier on Pleasure Beach Island had been identified as a potential nesting habitat for protected Least Terns and Piping Plover. The demolition work occurred outside of the seasonally restricted times, the habitat areas were fenced off, and professional biologists monitor the site, all in accordance with the Threatened and Endangered Species Management Plan for Pleasure Beach, City of Bridgeport, CT.



RACE Coastal Pleasure Beach Bridge Demolition

Demolition of the deteriorating structure required federal, state and local environmental and marine permitting.

Terry Marine Contracting, who specializes in building and repairing waterfront infrastructure, removed the bridge using barge-based cranes and equipment. Specialized crews cut and demolished the bridge structure with both power equipment and hand tools, such as demolition shears, grapples, saws, drills, and hammers. Timber pilings that supported the bridge and landing piers were extracted using a vibratory pile driving hammer mounted on the barge-based crane

Site specific numerical wave modeling determines parameters and load conditions on the structure. ©RACE Coastal Engineering

Terry minimized impacts to coastal resources by installing and maintaining construction fences, polythene sheets, turbidity curtains, silt fences, and hay bales. These measures assisted in separating the work area from wildlife habitat, natural resources, and the debris/sediment impacts.

RACE Coastal Pleasure Beach Construction
RACE Coastal Pleasure Beach Construction

Terry minimized impacts to coastal resources by installing and maintaining construction fences, polythene sheets, turbidity curtains, silt fences, and hay bales..

The project is scheduled for completion later this spring or early summer. RACE will perform a post demolition benthic site scan survey within the work area to ensure all debris and structures have been removed from the waterway.


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RACE Coastal Engineering expertise embraces modern coastal engineering practices that are supported by a broad range of engineering disciplines including geotechnical and structural engineering as well as regulatory expertise. Our professional services include: coastal engineering, shoreline restoration and protection, inspections and rehabilitation of existing structures, design and planning of new marine structures, environmental permitting, hydrographic surveys, dredging planning and design, and marine construction administration.


RACE Coastal Engineering

611 Access Road

Stratford, CT 06615


142 Ferry Road

Old Saybrook, CT 06475






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